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Model: Ratio
HQ Backtest MA vs V
Symbol Title Sector Industry M.Cap.[M] Div Yield Last Close AvgVol 200d
MA Mastercard Inc Financial Services Credit Services 513714 0.0055 562.75 2530446
V Visa Inc. Class A Financial Services Credit Services 671334 0.0069 348.02 7177122
Entry Threshold: 2.00 Exit Threshold: 0.00
Max Duration: 20 Entry Mode: Uptick Reversals:
MA Period: 15 MA Type: EMA StdDev Period: 15
RSI Period: 14 RSI Threshold: 0
Margin Req. 1: 50.0 Margin Req. 2: 50.0
Version: 5 Model Version: 2016.1 Bid-Ask 0.01 / 0.01
Initial Capital: 10000.00 Final Equity: 9973.76
Total net P/L: -26.24 Total ROI: -0.26 %
CAGR: -0.09 % Max. DD: 13.63 %
System Score: -0.000 Sharpe Ratio: 0.054
Start Date: 2021-01-04 End Date: 2023-11-30
Total days: 1060
Commissions: 168.00 Comm.% P/L 118.51 %
Total Transactions: 168 Log. Linearity: 0.028 %
Total enabled Long enabled Short MA V
Total Profit/Loss 141.76 439.58 -297.82 2115.18 -1973.42
Total Profit 3820.87 1834.78 1986.09 7836.42 4061.39
Total Loss 3679.11 1395.20 2283.91 5721.24 6034.81
Profit Factor 1.04 1.32 0.87 1.37 0.67
Trades 42 20 22 42 42
Winning Trades 27 14 13 22 18
Losing Trades 15 6 9 20 24
% Profitable 64.00 70.00 59.00 52.00 42.00
Profit/Loss Per Trade % 0.03 0.22 -0.14 0.46 -0.51
Profit Per Trade % 1.39 1.30 1.48 3.49 2.18
Loss Per Trade % 2.31 2.19 2.38 2.74 2.44
Days In Trade 493 239 254 493 493
Days In Trade (Avg. Per Trade) 11.74 11.95 11.55 11.74 11.74
% Days In Trade 46.51 22.55 23.96 46.51 46.51
Trade Log

Disclaimer: Backtested, simulated or hypothetical performance results have certain inherent limitations. Unlike the results shown in an actual performance record, these results do not represent actual trading. There are numerous factors related to the stock market in general and to the implementation of any stock market timing program, which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results. The backtested results listed here do not take into consideration slippage, fees, taxes, or dividends and interest earned on cash positions. These factors would affect actual trading results. Simulated, backtested or hypothetical stock trading systems in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. Backtested performance does not represent actual performance and should not be interpreted as an indication of such performance. No representation is being made that you will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to these being shown. This site provides impersonal educational stock trading information, and therefore, no consideration can or is made toward your financial circumstances. All material presented within is not to be regarded as investment advice, but for general informational purposes only.